# *DO NOT DIRECTLY EDIT THIS FILE, IT IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED AND IT IS BASED ON:* # https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmQEO36liL4FdDJLWVNMaVV2UmRKSnpXU09MYkdGbEE about=O aboutDrawio=O draw.io accessDenied=Pristup je odbijen accounts=Accounts action=Action actualSize=Prirodna veličina add=Dodaj addAccount=Add account addedFile=Dodat {1} addImages=Dodaj slike addImageUrl=Dodaj URL slike addLayer=Dodaj sloj addProperty=Dodaj osobinu address=Adresa addToExistingDrawing=Dodaj na postojeći crtež addToScratchpad=Add to Scratchpad addWaypoint=Dodaj međutačku adjustTo=Podesi prema advanced=Napredan align=Poravnaj alignment=Poravnanje allChangesLost=Sve promene će biti izgubljene! allPages=Sve Stranice allProjects=Svi Projekti allSpaces=Svi Prostori allTags=Sve oznake anchor=Sidro android=Android angle=Ugao arc=Arc areYouSure=Da li ste sigurni? ensureDataSaved=Molimo vas, pre zatvaranja proverite da li su vaši podaci snimljeni. allChangesSaved=Sve promene snimljene allChangesSavedInDrive=Sve promene snimljene u Drive allowPopups=Dozvolite pop-ups, da izbegnete ovaj dijalog. allowRelativeUrl=Allow relative URL alreadyConnected=Čvorovi su već povezani appearance=Appearance apply=Primeni archiMate21=ArchiMate 2.1 arrange=Složi arrow=Strelica arrows=Strelice asNew=Kao novi atlas=Moderan author=Autor authorizationRequired=Potrebna ovlašćenje authorizeThisAppIn=Ovlasti ovu aplikaciju u {1}: authorize=Ovlasti authorizing=Ovlašćenje automatic=Automatski autosave=Auto-snimanje autosize=Automatska veličina attachments=Prilozi aws=AWS aws3d=AWS 3D azure=Azure back=Back background=Pozadina backgroundColor=Boja pozadine backgroundImage=Pozadinska slika basic=Osnovni beta=beta blankDrawing=Prazan crtež blankDiagram=Prazan dijagram block=Blok blockquote=Blok citat blog=Blog bold=Podebljano bootstrap=Bootstrap border=Border borderColor=Boja okvira borderWidth=Širina okvira bottom=Dno bottomAlign=Poravnanje pri dnu bottomLeft=Dole levo bottomRight=Dole desno bpmn=BPMN bringForward=Bring Forward browser=Pretraživač bulletedList=Numerisana lista business=Business busy=Operacija se izvršava cabinets=Cabinets cancel=Otkaži center=Centar cannotLoad=Pokušaji učitavanja neuspešni. Molimo vas pokušajte kasnije. cannotLogin=Pokušaji prijavljivanja su bili neuspešni. Molimo vas pokušajte kasnije. cannotOpenFile=Neuspešno otvaranje dokumenta change=Promeni changeOrientation=Promena orijentacije changeUser=Promena korisnika changeStorage=Change storage changesNotSaved=Promene nisu sačuvane classDiagram=Class Diagram userJoined={1} se pridružio userLeft={1} je otišao chatWindowTitle=Razgovor chooseAnOption=Izaberite opciju chromeApp=Chrome Aplikacija collaborativeEditingNotice=Important Notice for Collaborative Editing compare=Compare compressed=Komprimovan commitMessage=Commit Message configLinkWarn=This link configures draw.io. Only click OK if you trust whoever gave you it! configLinkConfirm=Click OK to configure and restart draw.io. container=Container csv=CSV dark=Dark diagramXmlDesc=XML File diagramHtmlDesc=HTML File diagramPngDesc=Editable Bitmap Image diagramSvgDesc=Editable Vector Image didYouMeanToExportToPdf=Did you mean to export to PDF? disabled=Disabled draftFound=Pronađen nacrt draftRevisionMismatch=There is a different version of this diagram on a shared draft of this page. Please edit the diagram from the draft to ensure you are working with the latest version. selectDraft=Select a draft to continue editing: dragAndDropNotSupported=Prevlačenje nije podržano dropboxCharsNotAllowed=Sledeći znaci nisu dozvoljeni: \ / : ? * " | check=Provera checksum=Checksum circle=Krug cisco=Cisko classic=Klasičan clearDefaultStyle=Resetuj osnovni stil clearWaypoints=Resetuj međutačke clipart=Klip art close=Zatvori closingFile=Closing file realtimeCollaboration=Real-Time Collaboration collaborate=Collaborate collaborator=Saradnik collaborators=Saradnici collapse=Spusti collapseExpand=Spusti/proširi collapse-expand=Spusti/proširi collapsible=Kolapsirajući comic=Comic comment=Comment commentsNotes=Komentari/Beleške compress=Compress configuration=Configuration connect=Poveži connecting=Povezivanje connectWithDrive=Povezivanje sa Google Drive connection=Veza connectionArrows=Connection Arrows connectionPoints=Tačke povezivanja constrainProportions=Zadrži proporcije containsValidationErrors=Sadrži greške u validaciji copiedToClipboard=Copied to clipboard copy=Kopiraj copyConnect=Kopiraj pri povezivanju copyCreated=A copy of the file was created. copyData=Copy Data copyOf=Kopija {1} copyOfDrawing=Kopija crteža copySize=Copy Size copyStyle=Kopiraj stil create=Kreiraj createNewDiagram=Kreiraj novi dijagram createRevision=Kreiraj reviziju createShape=Kreiraj oblik crop=Crop curved=Zakrivljeno custom=Posebno current=Trenutačni currentPage=Current page cut=Iseci dashed=Isprekidan decideLater=Odluči kasnije default=Uobičajeni delete=Ukloni deleteColumn=Izbriši kolonu deleteLibrary401=Nedovoljne dozvole pristupa za brisanje ove biblioteke deleteLibrary404=Izabrana biblioteka nije pronađena deleteLibrary500=Greška pri brisanju biblioteke deleteLibraryConfirm=Ova biblioteka će biti trajno obrisana. Da li ste sigurni? deleteRow=Izbriši red description=Opis device=Uređaj diagram=Dijagram diagramContent=Sadržak dijagrama diagramLocked=Dijagram je zaključan da bi se sprečio dalji gubitak podataka. diagramLockedBySince=The diagram is locked by {1} since {2} ago diagramName=Ime dijagrama diagramIsPublic=Dijagram je javan diagramIsNotPublic=Dijagram nije javan diamond=Romb diamondThin=Romb (tanak) didYouKnow=Da li ste znali... direction=Pravac discard=Odbaciti discardChangesAndReconnect=Odbaci promene i ponovo se konektuj. googleDriveMissingClickHere=Nedostaje li Google Drive? discardChanges=Odbaci izmene disconnected=Otkačen distribute=Distribuiraj done=Završeno doNotShowAgain=Do not show again dotted=Tačkast doubleClickOrientation=Dupli klik za promenu orijentacije doubleClickTooltip=Dupli klik za unos teksta doubleClickChangeProperty=Dupli klik za promenu imena download=Download downloadDesktop=Get Desktop downloadAs=Sačuvaj kao clickHereToSave=Klikni ovde za snimanje dpi=DPI draftDiscarded=Nacrt je odbačen draftSaved=Nacrt je sačuvan dragElementsHere=Prevuci elemente ovde dragImagesHere=Prevuci slike ovde dragUrlsHere=Prevuci URL ovde draw.io=draw.io drawing=Crtež{1} drawingEmpty=Crtež je prazan drawingTooLarge=Crtež je prevelik drawioForWork=Draw.io for GSuite dropbox=Dropbox duplicate=Duplikat duplicateIt=Duplikat {1} divider=Razdelnik dx=Dx dy=Dy east=Istok edit=Uredi editData=Uredi podatke editDiagram=Izmeni dijagram editGeometry=Uredi geometriju editImage=Uredi sliku editImageUrl=Uredi URL slike editLink=Uredi link editShape=Uredi oblik editStyle=Uredi stil editText=Uredi tekst editTooltip=Uredi opis alatke glass=Staklo googleImages=Google slike imageSearch=Pretraživač slika eip=EIP embed=Ugradi embedFonts=Embed Fonts embedImages=Ugradi slike mainEmbedNotice=Zalepi ovo na stranicu electrical=Electrical ellipse=Ellipse embedNotice=Ugradi ovo jednom pri kraju stranice enterGroup=Uđi u grupu enterName=Unesite ime enterPropertyName=Unesite ime osobine enterValue=Unesi vrednost entityRelation=Relacija entiteta entityRelationshipDiagram=Entity Relationship Diagram error=Greška errorDeletingFile=Greška pri brisanju dokumenta errorLoadingFile=Greška pri učitavanju dokumenta errorRenamingFile=Greška pri preimenovanju dokumenta errorRenamingFileNotFound=Greška pri preimenovanju. Datoteka nije pronađena. errorRenamingFileForbidden=Greška pri preimenovanju. Nedovoljna prava pristupa. errorSavingDraft=Greška pri snimanju nacrta errorSavingFile=Greška pri snimanju dokumenta errorSavingFileUnknown=Greška pri autorizaciji sa Google serverom. Molimo vas, osvežite stranicu za ponovni pokušaj. errorSavingFileForbidden=Greška pri snimanju. Nedovoljna prava pristupa. errorSavingFileNameConflict=Dijagram nije sačuvan. Trenutna stranica već sadrži dijagram pod nazivom {1} errorSavingFileNotFound=Greška pri snimanju. Datoteka nije pronađena. errorSavingFileReadOnlyMode=Dijagram ne može biti sačuvan dok traje zabrana upisa. errorSavingFileSessionTimeout=Vaša sesija je istekla. Molimo prijavite se i vratite se na ovu karticu da pokušate ponovo da sačuvate. errorSendingFeedback=Greška pri slanju povratne informacije. errorUpdatingPreview=Greška pri osvežavanju pregleda exit=Izlaz exitGroup=Izađi iz grupe expand=Razvij export=Izvezi exporting=Izvoz exportAs=Izvezi kao exportOptionsDisabled=Mogućnost izvoza je onemogućena exportOptionsDisabledDetails=Vlasnik je onesposobio mogućnost preuzimanja, štampanja i kopiranja za komentatore i posmatrače ovog dokumenta. externalChanges=External Changes extras=Dodaci facebook=Facebook failedToSaveTryReconnect=Neuspelo snimanje, pokušaj rekonekcije featureRequest=Zatraži novu funkcionalnost feedback=Komentar feedbackSent=Povratna informacija je uspešno poslata. floorplans=Tlocrt file=Datoteka fileChangedOverwriteDialog=Datoteka je promenjena. Pregazi izmene? fileChangedSyncDialog=The file has been modified. fileChangedSync=The file has been modified. Click here to synchronize. overwrite=Prebriši synchronize=Synchronize filename=Ime datoteke fileExists=Već postojeći fajl fileMovedToTrash=File was moved to trash fileNearlyFullSeeFaq=Fajl je skoro pun. Pogledajte Česta pitanja. fileNotFound=Fajl nije pronađen repositoryNotFound=Repozitorijum nije pronađen. fileNotFoundOrDenied=Fajl nije pronađen. Nepostojeći dokument ili nemate pravo čitanja. fileNotLoaded=Datoteka nije učitana fileNotSaved=Datoteka nije snimljena fileOpenLocation=Kako biste želeli otvoriti ovaj dokument? filetypeHtml=.html causes file to save as HTML with redirect to cloud URL filetypePng=.png causes file to save as PNG with embedded data filetypeSvg=.svg causes file to save as SVG with embedded data fileWillBeSavedInAppFolder={1} će biti sačuvan u folderu aplikacije. fill=Ispuna fillColor=Boja ispune filterCards=Filter Cards find=Nađi fit=Prilagodi fitContainer=Prilagodi kontejner fitIntoContainer=Prilagodi u kontejner fitPage=Prilagodi stranici fitPageWidth=Prilagodi širini stranice fitTo=Uklopi prema fitToSheetsAcross=sheet(s) across fitToBy=by fitToSheetsDown=sheet(s) down fitTwoPages=Prilagodi za dve stranice fitWindow=Prilagodi prozoru flip=Preokreni flipH=Preokreni vodoravno flipV=Preokreni uspravno flowchart=Flowchart folder=Folder font=Font fontColor=Boja fonta fontFamily=Font fontSize=Veličina slova forbidden=Niste autorizovani za pristup ovom dokumentu. format=Format formatPanel=Panel formatiranja formatted=Formatiran formattedText=Formatiran tekst formatPng=Portable Network Graphics (.png) formatGif=Graphics Interchange Format (.gif) formatJpg=JPEG File Interchange Format (.jpg) formatPdf=Portable Document Format (.pdf) formatSql=SQL formatSvg=Scalable Vector Graphics (.svg) formatHtmlEmbedded=HTML formatSvgEmbedded=SVG (with XML) formatVsdx=VSDX formatVssx=VSSX formatXmlPlain=XML (Plain) formatXml=XML forum=Forum freehand=Freehand fromTemplate=Od šablona fromTemplateUrl=Prema URL-u šablona fromText=Od teksta fromUrl=From URL fromThisPage=From this page fullscreen=Fullscreen gap=Gap gcp=GCP general=Opšti getNotionChromeExtension=Get the Notion Chrome Extension github=GitHub gitlab=GitLab gliffy=Gliffy global=Globalan googleDocs=Google dokumenti googleDrive=Google Drive googleGadget=Google Gadget googlePlus=Google+ googleSharingNotAvailable=Sharing is only available via Google Drive. Please click Open below and share from the more actions menu: googleSlides=Google Slides googleSites=Google Sites googleSheets=Google Sheets gradient=Gradijent gradientColor=Boja gradijenta grid=Mreža gridColor=Grid Color gridSize=Veličina mreže group=Grupiši guides=Vodiči hateApp=Mrzim draw.io heading=Pravac height=Visina help=Pomoć helpTranslate=Pomozite nam u prevođenju ove aplikacije hide=Sakrij hideIt=Sakrij {1} hidden=Sakriven home=Dom horizontal=Vodoravan horizontalFlow=Vodoravni tok horizontalTree=Vodoravno drvo howTranslate=How good is the translation in your language? html=HTML htmlText=HTML tekst id=ID iframe=IFrame ignore=Ignoriši image=Slika imageUrl=Image URL images=Slike imagePreviewError=This image couldn't be loaded for preview. Please check the URL. imageTooBig=Image too big imgur=Imgur import=Import importFrom=Importuj iz includeCopyOfMyDiagram=Uključi kopiju mog dijagrama increaseIndent=Uvećaj urez decreaseIndent=Smanji urez insert=Umetni insertColumnBefore=Umetni kolumnu levo insertColumnAfter=Umetni kolumnu desno insertEllipse=Insert Ellipse insertImage=Umetni sliku insertHorizontalRule=Umetni vodoravnu liniju insertLink=Umetni vezu insertPage=Insert Page insertRectangle=Insert Rectangle insertRhombus=Insert Rhombus insertRowBefore=Umetni red iznad insertRowAfter=Umetni red ispod insertText=Insert Text inserting=Umetanje installApp=Install App invalidFilename=Imena dijagrama ne smeju sadržati sledeće znake : \ / | : ; { < & + ? = invalidLicenseSeeThisPage=Your license is invalid, please see this page. invalidInput=Invalid input invalidName=Neispravno ime invalidOrMissingFile=Neispravan ili nepostojeći dokument invalidPublicUrl=Invalid public URL isometric=Isometric ios=iOS italic=Kurziv kennedy=Kennedy keyboardShortcuts=Keyboard Shortcuts labels=Labels layers=Slojevi landscape=Pejzaž language=Jezik leanMapping=Lean Mapping lastChange=Poslednja promena pre {1} lessThanAMinute=manje od minut licensingError=Licensing Error licenseHasExpired=The license for {1} has expired on {2}. Click here. licenseRequired=This feature requires draw.io to be licensed. licenseWillExpire=The license for {1} will expire on {2}. Click here. light=Light lineJumps=Line jumps linkAccountRequired=If the diagram is not public a Google account is required to view the link. linkText=Link Text list=List minute=minut minutes=minuta hours=sati days=dana months=meseci years=godina restartForChangeRequired=Promene će stupiti na snagu nakon osvežavanja stranice. laneColor=Boja trake lastModified=Last modified layout=Raspored left=Levo leftAlign=Levo poravnanje leftToRight=Sleva udesno libraryTooltip=Drag and drop shapes here or click + to insert. Double click to edit. lightbox=Lightbox line=Linija lineend=Kraj linije lineheight=Line Height linestart=Početak linije linewidth=Debljina linije link=Veza links=Links loading=Učitavanje lockUnlock=Zaključaj/Otključaj loggedOut=Odlogovan logIn=log in loveIt=Volim {1} lucidchart=Lucidchart maps=Maps mathematicalTypesetting=Matematički slog makeCopy=Kreiraj kopiju manual=Ručno merge=Merge mermaid=Mermaid microsoftOffice=Microsoft Office microsoftExcel=Microsoft Excel microsoftPowerPoint=Microsoft PowerPoint microsoftWord=Microsoft Word middle=Sredina minimal=Minimal misc=Misc mockups=Mockups modificationDate=Modification date modifiedBy=Modified by more=Više moreResults=Još rezultata moreShapes=Još oblika move=Pomeri moveToFolder=Pomeri u folder moving=Pomeranje moveSelectionTo=Pomeri selekciju u {1} name=Name navigation=Navigacija network=Network networking=Networking new=Novi newLibrary=Nova biblioteka nextPage=Next Page no=Ne noPickFolder=No, pick folder noAttachments=No attachments found noColor=Bez boje noFiles=Nema fajlova noFileSelected=Nijedan izabrani dokument noLibraries=No libraries found noMoreResults=Nema više rezultata none=Ništa noOtherViewers=Nema drugih gledalaca noPlugins=Nema plaginova noPreview=No preview noResponse=Nema odgovora od servera noResultsFor=Nema više rezultata za {1} noRevisions=Nema revizija noSearchResults=No search results found noPageContentOrNotSaved=No anchors found on this page or it hasn't been saved yet normal=Normal north=Sever notADiagramFile=Nije dijagram dokument notALibraryFile=Nije biblioteka notAvailable=Nije dostupan notAUtf8File=Not a UTF-8 file notConnected=Bez konekcije note=Beleška notion=Notion notSatisfiedWithImport=Not satisfied with the import? notUsingService=Ne koristite {1}? numberedList=Numerisana lista offline=Oflajn ok=OK oneDrive=OneDrive online=Online opacity=Prozirnost open=Otvori openArrow=Otvorena strelica openExistingDiagram=Otvori postojeći dijagram openFile=Otvori datoteku openFrom=Otvori iz openLibrary=Open Library openLibraryFrom=Otvori biblioteku openLink=Otvori link openInNewWindow=Otvori u novom prozoru openInThisWindow=Otvori u ovom prozoru openIt=Otvori {1} openRecent=Open Recent openSupported=Podržani format je .XML datoteka sačuvana iz ovog softvera options=Opcije organic=Organski orgChart=Org Chart orthogonal=Pravougaoni otherViewer=drugi posmatrač otherViewers=drugih posmatrača outline=Pregled oval=Ovalan page=Page pageContent=Page Content pageNotFound=Page not found pageWithNumber=Page-{1} pages=Stranice pageTabs=Page Tabs pageView=Pregled strane pageSetup=Podešavanje strane pageScale=Razmera strane pan=Pan panTooltip=Space+Drag to pan paperSize=Veličina papira pattern=Obrazac parallels=Parallels paste=Zalepi pasteData=Paste Data pasteHere=Zalepi ovde pasteSize=Paste Size pasteStyle=Zalepi stil perimeter=Perimetar permissionAnyone=Anyone can edit permissionAuthor=Vlasnik i admini mogu menjati pickFolder=Pick a folder pickLibraryDialogTitle=Select Library publicDiagramUrl=Javni URL dijagrama placeholders=Placeholders plantUml=PlantUML plugins=Plaginovi pluginUrl=URL plagina pluginWarning=Stranica je zahtevala učitavanje sledećih plaginova:\n\n{1}\nDa li biste da učitate ove plaginove sada?\n\nPRIMEDBA: Dozvolite pokretanje plaginova samo u slučaju da potpuno razumete posledice po sigurnost.\n plusTooltip=Klikni i vuci za povezivanje, klikni za kloniranje portrait=Portret position=Pozicija posterPrint=Štampa postera preferences=Podešavanja preview=Pregled previousPage=Previous Page print=Štampa printAllPages=Print All Pages procEng=Proc. Eng. project=Project priority=Priority properties=Osobine publish=Publish quickStart=Quick Start Video rack=Rack radial=Radial radialTree=Radijalno drvo readOnly=Samo čitanje reconnecting=Rekonekcija recentlyUpdated=Recently Updated recentlyViewed=Recently Viewed rectangle=Rectangle redirectToNewApp=Ovaj dokument je kreiran ili menjan u draw.io pro. Sada ćete biti preusmereni. realtimeTimeout=Izgleda da ste napravili nekoliko promena dok ste bili bez konekcije. Žao nam je, ove promene se ne mogu sačuvati. redo=Ponovi refresh=Osveži regularExpression=Regular Expression relative=Relative relativeUrlNotAllowed=Relative URL not allowed rememberMe=Zapamti me rememberThisSetting=Zapamti ovo podešavanje removeFormat=Obriši formatiranje removeFromGroup=Ukloni iz grupe removeIt=Ukloni {1} removeWaypoint=Ukloni waypoint rename=Preimenuj renamed=Preimenovano renameIt=Preimenuj {1} renaming=Preimenovanje replace=Replace replaceIt={1} već postoji. Da li želite da ga zamenite? replaceExistingDrawing=Zameni postojeći crtež required=Potreban reset=Reset resetView=Reset View resize=Predimenzioniranje resizeLargeImages=Do you want to resize large images to make the application run faster? retina=Retina responsive=Responsive restore=Povrati restoring=Restoring retryingIn=Ponovni pokušaj za {1} sekundi retryingLoad=Učitavanje neuspešno. Ponovni pokušaj... retryingLogin=Vreme logovanja isteklo. Ponovni pokušaj... reverse=Reverse revision=Revision revisionHistory=Istorija revizije rhombus=Rhombus right=Desno rightAlign=Desno poravnanje rightToLeft=Zdesna ulevo rotate=Rotiraj rotateTooltip=Klikni i vuci za rotiranje, klikni za okretanje po 90 stepeni rotation=Rotacija rounded=Zaobljen save=Snimi saveAndExit=Save & Exit saveAs=Snimi kao saveAsXmlFile=Save as XML file? saved=Snimljeno saveDiagramFirst=Prvo sačuvajte dijagram saveDiagramsTo=Sačuvaj dijagrame na saveLibrary403=Insufficient permissions to edit this library saveLibrary500=There was an error while saving the library saveLibraryReadOnly=Could not save library while read-only mode is active saving=Snimanje scratchpad=Scratchpad scrollbars=Skrol trake search=Pretraga searchShapes=Search Shapes selectAll=Izaberi sve selectionOnly=Selection Only selectCard=Select Card selectEdges=Izaberi grane selectFile=Select File selectFolder=Select Folder selectFont=Izaberi font selectNone=Select None selectTemplate=Select Template selectVertices=Izaberi čvorove sendBackward=Send Backward sendMessage=Pošalji sendYourFeedback=Pošalji mišljenje serviceUnavailableOrBlocked=Servis nedostupan ili blokiran sessionExpired=Vaša sesija je istekla. Molimo vas, osvežite prozor pretraživača. sessionTimeoutOnSave=Vaša sesija je istekla i odjavljeni ste sa Google Drive-a. Kliknite OK da se prijavite i snimite izmene. setAsDefaultStyle=Podesi kao osnovni stil settings=Settings shadow=Senka shape=Oblik shapes=Oblici share=Podeli shareCursor=Share Mouse Cursor shareLink=Podeli link sharingAvailable=Sharing available for Google Drive and OneDrive files. saveItToGoogleDriveToCollaborate=You'll need to save "{1}" to Google Drive before you can collaborate. saveToGoogleDrive=Save to Google Drive sharp=Oštar show=Prikaži showRemoteCursors=Show Remote Mouse Cursors showStartScreen=Show Start Screen sidebarTooltip=Click to expand. Drag and drop shapes into the diagram. Shift+click to change selection. Alt+click to insert and connect. signs=Signs signOut=Odjavi se simple=Simple simpleArrow=Jednostavna strelica simpleViewer=Simple Viewer size=Veličina sketch=Sketch snapToGrid=Snap to Grid solid=Puna linija sourceSpacing=Proređivanje izvora south=Jug software=Software space=Space spacing=Proređivanje specialLink=Posebna veza standard=Standard startDrawing=Start drawing stopDrawing=Stop drawing starting=Startovanje straight=Pravo strikethrough=Strikethrough strokeColor=Boja linije style=Stil subscript=Potpis summary=Summary superscript=Natpis support=Podrška swimlaneDiagram=Swimlane Diagram sysml=SysML tags=Tags table=Tabela tables=Tables takeOver=Take Over targetSpacing=Proređivanje odredišta template=Šablon templates=Šabloni text=Tekst textAlignment=Poravnanje teksta textOpacity=Neprozirnost teksta theme=Tema timeout=Istek vremena title=Title to=do toBack=Postavi iza toFront=Postavi ispred tooLargeUseDownload=Too large, use download instead. toolbar=Toolbar tooltips=Opisi alatki top=Vrh topAlign=Gornje poravnanje topLeft=Top Left topRight=Top Right transparent=Proziran transparentBackground=Transparent Background trello=Trello tryAgain=Pokušajte ponovo tryOpeningViaThisPage=Try opening via this page turn=Okreni type=Type twitter=Twitter uml=UML underline=Podvučen undo=Opozovi ungroup=Podeli unmerge=Unmerge unsavedChanges=Nesačuvane promene unsavedChangesClickHereToSave=Unsaved changes. Click here to save. untitled=Untitled untitledDiagram=Neimenovani dijagram untitledLayer=Untitled Layer untitledLibrary=Neimenovana biblioteka unknownError=Nepoznata greška updateFile=Update {1} updatingDocument=Ažuriranje dokumenta. Molimo sačekajte... updatingPreview=Updating Preview. Please wait... updatingSelection=Ažuriranje selekcije. Molimo sačekajte... upload=Otpremi url=URL useOffline=Use Offline useRootFolder=Use root folder? userManual=User Manual vertical=Uspravno verticalFlow=Uspravni tok verticalTree=Uspravno drvo view=Pogled viewerSettings=Viewer Settings viewUrl=Link to view: {1} voiceAssistant=Voice Assistant (beta) warning=Warning waypoints=Waypoint-ovi west=Zapad where=Where width=Širina wiki=Wiki wordWrap=Prelom redova writingDirection=Smer pisanja yes=Da yourEmailAddress=Vaša e-mail adresa zoom=Uvećanje zoomIn=Uvećaj zoomOut=Umanji basic=Osnovni businessprocess=Poslovni procesi charts=Grafikoni engineering=Inženjering flowcharts=Dijagram toka gmdl=Material Design mindmaps=Mindmaps mockups=Makete networkdiagrams=Mrežni dijagrami nothingIsSelected=Ništa nije izabrano other=Ostali softwaredesign=Dizajn softvera venndiagrams=Venovi dijagrami webEmailOrOther=Web, email or any other internet address webLink=Web Link wireframes=Žičani modeli property=Property value=Value showMore=Show More showLess=Show Less myDiagrams=My Diagrams allDiagrams=All Diagrams recentlyUsed=Recently used listView=List view gridView=Grid view resultsFor=Results for '{1}' oneDriveCharsNotAllowed=The following characters are not allowed: ~ " # % * : < > ? / \ { | } oneDriveInvalidDeviceName=The specified device name is invalid officeNotLoggedOD=You are not logged in to OneDrive. Please open draw.io task pane and login first. officeSelectSingleDiag=Please select a single draw.io diagram only without other contents. officeSelectDiag=Please select a draw.io diagram. officeCannotFindDiagram=Cannot find a draw.io diagram in the selection noDiagrams=No diagrams found authFailed=Authentication failed officeFailedAuthMsg=Unable to successfully authenticate user or authorize application. convertingDiagramFailed=Converting diagram failed officeCopyImgErrMsg=Due to some limitations in the host application, the image could not be inserted. Please manually copy the image then paste it to the document. insertingImageFailed=Inserting image failed officeCopyImgInst=Instructions: Right-click the image below. Select "Copy image" from the context menu. Then, in the document, right-click and select "Paste" from the context menu. folderEmpty=Folder is empty recent=Recent sharedWithMe=Shared With Me sharepointSites=Sharepoint Sites errorFetchingFolder=Error fetching folder items errorAuthOD=Error authenticating to OneDrive officeMainHeader=Adds draw.io diagrams to your document. officeStepsHeader=This add-in performs the following steps: officeStep1=Connects to Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive or your device. officeStep2=Select a draw.io diagram. officeStep3=Insert the diagram into the document. officeAuthPopupInfo=Please complete the authentication in the pop-up window. officeSelDiag=Select draw.io Diagram: files=Files shared=Shared sharepoint=Sharepoint officeManualUpdateInst=Instructions: Copy draw.io diagram from the document. Then, in the box below, right-click and select "Paste" from the context menu. officeClickToEdit=Click icon to start editing: pasteDiagram=Paste draw.io diagram here connectOD=Connect to OneDrive selectChildren=Select Children selectSiblings=Select Siblings selectParent=Select Parent selectDescendants=Select Descendants lastSaved=Last saved {1} ago resolve=Resolve reopen=Re-open showResolved=Show Resolved reply=Reply objectNotFound=Object not found reOpened=Re-opened markedAsResolved=Marked as resolved noCommentsFound=No comments found comments=Comments timeAgo={1} ago confluenceCloud=Confluence Cloud libraries=Libraries confAnchor=Confluence Page Anchor confTimeout=The connection has timed out confSrvTakeTooLong=The server at {1} is taking too long to respond. confCannotInsertNew=Cannot insert draw.io diagram to a new Confluence page confSaveTry=Please save the page and try again. confCannotGetID=Unable to determine page ID confContactAdmin=Please contact your Confluence administrator. readErr=Read Error editingErr=Editing Error confExtEditNotPossible=This diagram cannot be edited externally. Please try editing it while editing the page confEditedExt=Diagram/Page edited externally diagNotFound=Diagram Not Found confEditedExtRefresh=Diagram/Page is edited externally. Please refresh the page. confCannotEditDraftDelOrExt=Cannot edit diagrams in a draft page, diagram is deleted from the page, or diagram is edited externally. Please check the page. retBack=Return back confDiagNotPublished=The diagram does not belong to a published page createdByDraw=Created by draw.io filenameShort=Filename too short invalidChars=Invalid characters alreadyExst={1} already exists draftReadErr=Draft Read Error diagCantLoad=Diagram cannot be loaded draftWriteErr=Draft Write Error draftCantCreate=Draft could not be created confDuplName=Duplicate diagram name detected. Please pick another name. confSessionExpired=Looks like your session expired. Log in again to keep working. login=Login drawPrev=draw.io preview drawDiag=draw.io diagram invalidCallFnNotFound=Invalid Call: {1} not found invalidCallErrOccured=Invalid Call: An error occurred, {1} anonymous=Anonymous confGotoPage=Go to containing page showComments=Show Comments confError=Error: {1} gliffyImport=Gliffy Import gliffyImportInst1=Click the "Start Import" button to import all Gliffy diagrams to draw.io. gliffyImportInst2=Please note that the import procedure will take some time and the browser window must remain open until the import is completed. startImport=Start Import drawConfig=draw.io Configuration customLib=Custom Libraries customTemp=Custom Templates pageIdsExp=Page IDs Export drawReindex=draw.io re-indexing (beta) working=Working drawConfigNotFoundInst=draw.io Configuration Space (DRAWIOCONFIG) does not exist. This space is needed to store draw.io configuration files and custom libraries/templates. createConfSp=Create Config Space unexpErrRefresh=Unexpected error, please refresh the page and try again. configJSONInst=Write draw.io JSON configuration in the editor below then click save. If you need help, please refer to thisPage=this page curCustLib=Current Custom Libraries libName=Library Name action=Action drawConfID=draw.io Config ID addLibInst=Click the "Add Library" button to upload a new library. addLib=Add Library customTempInst1=Custom templates are draw.io diagrams saved in children pages of customTempInst2=For more details, please refer to tempsPage=Templates page pageIdsExpInst1=Select export target, then click the "Start Export" button to export all pages IDs. pageIdsExpInst2=Please note that the export procedure will take some time and the browser window must remain open until the export is completed. startExp=Start Export refreshDrawIndex=Refresh draw.io Diagrams Index reindexInst1=Click the "Start Indexing" button to refresh draw.io diagrams index. reindexInst2=Please note that the indexing procedure will take some time and the browser window must remain open until the indexing is completed. startIndexing=Start Indexing confAPageFoundFetch=Page "{1}" found. Fetching confAAllDiagDone=All {1} diagrams processed. Process finished. confAStartedProcessing=Started processing page "{1}" confAAllDiagInPageDone=All {1} diagrams in page "{2}" processed successfully. confAPartialDiagDone={1} out of {2} {3} diagrams in page "{4}" processed successfully. confAUpdatePageFailed=Updating page "{1}" failed. confANoDiagFoundInPage=No {1} diagrams found in page "{2}". confAFetchPageFailed=Fetching the page failed. confANoDiagFound=No {1} diagrams found. Process finished. confASearchFailed=Searching for {1} diagrams failed. Please try again later. confAGliffyDiagFound={2} diagram "{1}" found. Importing confAGliffyDiagImported={2} diagram "{1}" imported successfully. confASavingImpGliffyFailed=Saving imported {2} diagram "{1}" failed. confAImportedFromByDraw=Imported from "{1}" by draw.io confAImportGliffyFailed=Importing {2} diagram "{1}" failed. confAFetchGliffyFailed=Fetching {2} diagram "{1}" failed. confACheckBrokenDiagLnk=Checking for broken diagrams links. confADelDiagLinkOf=Deleting diagram link of "{1}" confADupLnk=(duplicate link) confADelDiagLnkFailed=Deleting diagram link of "{1}" failed. confAUnexpErrProcessPage=Unexpected error during processing the page with id: {1} confADiagFoundIndex=Diagram "{1}" found. Indexing confADiagIndexSucc=Diagram "{1}" indexed successfully. confAIndexDiagFailed=Indexing diagram "{1}" failed. confASkipDiagOtherPage=Skipped "{1}" as it belongs to another page! confADiagUptoDate=Diagram "{1}" is up to date. confACheckPagesWDraw=Checking pages having draw.io diagrams. confAErrOccured=An error occurred! savedSucc=Saved successfully confASaveFailedErr=Saving Failed (Unexpected Error) character=Character confAConfPageDesc=This page contains draw.io configuration file (configuration.json) as attachment confALibPageDesc=This page contains draw.io custom libraries as attachments confATempPageDesc=This page contains draw.io custom templates as attachments working=Working confAConfSpaceDesc=This space is used to store draw.io configuration files and custom libraries/templates confANoCustLib=No Custom Libraries delFailed=Delete failed! showID=Show ID confAIncorrectLibFileType=Incorrect file type. Libraries should be XML files. uploading=Uploading confALibExist=This library already exists confAUploadSucc=Uploaded successfully confAUploadFailErr=Upload Failed (Unexpected Error) hiResPreview=High Res Preview officeNotLoggedGD=You are not logged in to Google Drive. Please open draw.io task pane and login first. officePopupInfo=Please complete the process in the pop-up window. pickODFile=Pick OneDrive File createODFile=Create OneDrive File pickGDriveFile=Pick Google Drive File createGDriveFile=Create Google Drive File pickDeviceFile=Pick Device File vsdNoConfig="vsdurl" is not configured ruler=Ruler units=Units points=Points inches=Inches millimeters=Millimeters confEditDraftDelOrExt=This diagram is in a draft page, is deleted from the page, or is edited externally. It will be saved as a new attachment version and may not be reflected in the page. confDiagEditedExt=Diagram is edited in another session. It will be saved as a new attachment version but the page will show other session's modifications. macroNotFound=Macro Not Found confAInvalidPageIdsFormat=Incorrect Page IDs file format confACollectingCurPages=Collecting current pages confABuildingPagesMap=Building pages mapping confAProcessDrawDiag=Started processing imported draw.io diagrams confAProcessDrawDiagDone=Finished processing imported draw.io diagrams confAProcessImpPages=Started processing imported pages confAErrPrcsDiagInPage=Error processing draw.io diagrams in page "{1}" confAPrcsDiagInPage=Processing draw.io diagrams in page "{1}" confAImpDiagram=Importing diagram "{1}" confAImpDiagramFailed=Importing diagram "{1}" failed. Cannot find its new page ID. Maybe it points to a page that is not imported. confAImpDiagramError=Error importing diagram "{1}". Cannot fetch or save the diagram. Cannot fix this diagram links. confAUpdateDgrmCCFailed=Updating link to diagram "{1}" failed. confImpDiagramSuccess=Updating diagram "{1}" done successfully. confANoLnksInDrgm=No links to update in: {1} confAUpdateLnkToPg=Updated link to page: "{1}" in diagram: "{2}" confAUpdateLBLnkToPg=Updated lightbox link to page: "{1}" in diagram: "{2}" confAUpdateLnkBase=Updated base URL from: "{1}" to: "{2}" in diagram: "{3}" confAPageIdsImpDone=Page IDs Import finished confAPrcsMacrosInPage=Processing draw.io macros in page "{1}" confAErrFetchPage=Error fetching page "{1}" confAFixingMacro=Fixing macro of diagram "{1}" confAErrReadingExpFile=Error reading export file confAPrcsDiagInPageDone=Processing draw.io diagrams in page "{1}" finished confAFixingMacroSkipped=Fixing macro of diagram "{1}" failed. Cannot find its new page ID. Maybe it points to a page that is not imported. pageIdsExpTrg=Export target confALucidDiagImgImported={2} diagram "{1}" image extracted successfully confASavingLucidDiagImgFailed=Extracting {2} diagram "{1}" image failed confGetInfoFailed=Fetching file info from {1} failed. confCheckCacheFailed=Cannot get cached file info. confReadFileErr=Cannot read "{1}" file from {2}. confSaveCacheFailed=Unexpected error. Cannot save cached file orgChartType=Org Chart Type linear=Linear hanger2=Hanger 2 hanger4=Hanger 4 fishbone1=Fishbone 1 fishbone2=Fishbone 2 1ColumnLeft=Single Column Left 1ColumnRight=Single Column Right smart=Smart parentChildSpacing=Parent Child Spacing siblingSpacing=Sibling Spacing confNoPermErr=Sorry, you don't have enough permissions to view this embedded diagram from page {1} copyAsImage=Copy as Image lucidImport=Lucidchart Import lucidImportInst1=Click the "Start Import" button to import all Lucidchart diagrams. installFirst=Please install {1} first drawioChromeExt=draw.io Chrome Extension loginFirstThen=Please login to {1} first, then {2} errFetchDocList=Error: Couldn't fetch documents list builtinPlugins=Built-in Plugins extPlugins=External Plugins backupFound=Backup file found chromeOnly=This feature only works in Google Chrome msgDeleted=This message has been deleted confAErrFetchDrawList=Error fetching diagrams list. Some diagrams are skipped. confAErrCheckDrawDiag=Cannot check diagram {1} confAErrFetchPageList=Error fetching pages list confADiagImportIncom={1} diagram "{2}" is imported partially and may have missing shapes invalidSel=Invalid selection diagNameEmptyErr=Diagram name cannot be empty openDiagram=Open Diagram newDiagram=New diagram editable=Editable confAReimportStarted=Re-import {1} diagrams started... spaceFilter=Filter by spaces curViewState=Current Viewer State pageLayers=Page and Layers customize=Customize firstPage=First Page (All Layers) curEditorState=Current Editor State noAnchorsFound=No anchors found attachment=Attachment curDiagram=Current Diagram recentDiags=Recent Diagrams csvImport=CSV Import chooseFile=Choose a file... choose=Choose gdriveFname=Google Drive filename widthOfViewer=Width of the viewer (px) heightOfViewer=Height of the viewer (px) autoSetViewerSize=Automatically set the size of the viewer thumbnail=Thumbnail prevInDraw=Preview in draw.io onedriveFname=OneDrive filename diagFname=Diagram filename diagUrl=Diagram URL showDiag=Show Diagram diagPreview=Diagram Preview csvFileUrl=CSV File URL generate=Generate selectDiag2Insert=Please select a diagram to insert it. errShowingDiag=Unexpected error. Cannot show diagram noRecentDiags=No recent diagrams found fetchingRecentFailed=Failed to fetch recent diagrams useSrch2FindDiags=Use the search box to find draw.io diagrams cantReadChckPerms=Cannot read the specified diagram. Please check you have read permission on that file. cantFetchChckPerms=Cannot fetch diagram info. Please check you have read permission on that file. searchFailed=Searching failed. Please try again later. plsTypeStr=Please type a search string. unsupportedFileChckUrl=Unsupported file. Please check the specified URL diagNotFoundChckUrl=Diagram not found or cannot be accessed. Please check the specified URL csvNotFoundChckUrl=CSV file not found or cannot be accessed. Please check the specified URL cantReadUpload=Cannot read the uploaded diagram select=Select errCantGetIdType=Unexpected Error: Cannot get content id or type. errGAuthWinBlocked=Error: Google Authentication window blocked authDrawAccess=Authorize draw.io to access {1} connTimeout=The connection has timed out errAuthSrvc=Error authenticating to {1} plsSelectFile=Please select a file mustBgtZ={1} must be greater than zero cantLoadPrev=Cannot load file preview. errAccessFile=Error: Access Denied. You do not have permission to access "{1}". noPrevAvail=No preview is available. personalAccNotSup=Personal accounts are not supported. errSavingTryLater=Error occurred during saving, please try again later. plsEnterFld=Please enter {1} invalidDiagUrl=Invalid Diagram URL unsupportedVsdx=Unsupported vsdx file unsupportedImg=Unsupported image file unsupportedFormat=Unsupported file format plsSelectSingleFile=Please select a single file only attCorrupt=Attachment file "{1}" is corrupted loadAttFailed=Failed to load attachment "{1}" embedDrawDiag=Embed draw.io Diagram addDiagram=Add Diagram embedDiagram=Embed Diagram editOwningPg=Edit owning page deepIndexing=Deep Indexing (Index diagrams that aren't used in any page also) confADeepIndexStarted=Deep Indexing Started confADeepIndexDone=Deep Indexing Done officeNoDiagramsSelected=No diagrams found in the selection officeNoDiagramsInDoc=No diagrams found in the document officeNotSupported=This feature is not supported in this host application someImagesFailed={1} out of {2} failed due to the following errors importingNoUsedDiagrams=Importing {1} Diagrams not used in pages importingDrafts=Importing {1} Diagrams in drafts processingDrafts=Processing drafts updatingDrafts=Updating drafts updateDrafts=Update drafts notifications=Notifications drawioImp=draw.io Import confALibsImp=Importing draw.io Libraries confALibsImpFailed=Importing {1} library failed contributors=Contributors drawDiagrams=draw.io Diagrams errFileNotFoundOrNoPer=Error: Access Denied. File not found or you do not have permission to access "{1}" on {2}. confACheckPagesWEmbed=Checking pages having embedded draw.io diagrams. confADelBrokenEmbedDiagLnk=Removing broken embedded diagram links replaceWith=Replace with replaceAll=Replace All confASkipDiagModified=Skipped "{1}" as it was modified after initial import replFind=Replace/Find matchesRepl={1} matches replaced draftErrDataLoss=An error occurred while reading the draft file. The diagram cannot be edited now to prevent any possible data loss. Please try again later or contact support. ibm=IBM linkToDiagramHint=Add a link to this diagram. The diagram can only be edited from the page that owns it. linkToDiagram=Link to Diagram changedBy=Changed By lastModifiedOn=Last modified on searchResults=Search Results showAllTemps=Show all templates notionToken=Notion Token selectDB=Select Database noDBs=No Databases diagramEdited={1} diagram "{2}" edited confDraftPermissionErr=Draft cannot be written. Do you have attachment write/read permission on this page? confDraftTooBigErr=Draft size is too large. Pease check "Attachment Maximum Size" of "Attachment Settings" in Confluence Configuration? owner=Owner repository=Repository branch=Branch meters=Meters teamsNoEditingMsg=Editor functionality is only available in Desktop environment (in MS Teams App or a web browser) contactOwner=Contact Owner viewerOnlyMsg=You cannot edit the diagrams in the mobile platform, please use the desktop client or a web browser. website=Website check4Updates=Check for updates attWriteFailedRetry={1}: Attachment write failed, trying again in {2} seconds... confPartialPageList=We couldn't fetch all pages due to an error in Confluence. Continuing using {1} pages only. spellCheck=Spell checker noChange=No Change lblToSvg=Convert labels to SVG txtSettings=Text Settings LinksLost=Links will be lost arcSize=Arc Size editConnectionPoints=Edit Connection Points notInOffline=Not supported while offline notInDesktop=Not supported in Desktop App confConfigSpaceArchived=draw.io Configuration space (DRAWIOCONFIG) is archived. Please restore it first. confACleanOldVerStarted=Cleaning old diagram draft versions started confACleanOldVerDone=Cleaning old diagram draft versions finished confACleaningFile=Cleaning diagram draft "{1}" old versions confAFileCleaned=Cleaning diagram draft "{1}" done confAFileCleanFailed=Cleaning diagram draft "{1}" failed confACleanOnly=Clean Diagram Drafts Only brush=Brush openDevTools=Open Developer Tools autoBkp=Automatic Backup confAIgnoreCollectErr=Ignore collecting current pages errors drafts=Drafts draftSaveInt=Draft save interval [sec] (0 to disable) pluginsDisabled=External plugins disabled. extExpNotConfigured=External image service is not configured pathFilename=Path/Filename confAHugeInstances=Very Large Instances confAHugeInstancesDesc=If this instance includes 100,000+ pages, it is faster to request the current instance pages list from Atlassian. Please contact our support for more details. choosePageIDsFile=Choose current page IDs csv file chooseDrawioPsgesFile=Choose pages with draw.io diagrams csv file private=Private diagramTooLarge=The diagram is too large, please reduce its size and try again. selectAdminUsers=Select Admin Users xyzTeam={1} Team addTeamTitle=Adding a new draw.io Team addTeamInst1=To create a new draw.io Team, you need to create a new Atlassian group with "drawio-" postfix (e.g, a group named "drawio-marketing"). addTeamInst2=Then, configure which team member can edit/add configuration, templates, and libraries from this page. drawioTeams=draw.io Teams members=Members adminEditors=Admins/Editors allowAll=Allow all noTeams=No teams found errorLoadingTeams=Error Loading Teams noTeamMembers=No team members found errLoadTMembers=Error loading team members errCreateTeamPage=Error creating team "{1}" page in "draw.io Configuration" space, please check you have the required permissions. gotoConfigPage=Please create the space from draw.io "Configuration" page. noAdminsSelected=No admins/editors selected errCreateConfigFile=Error creating "configuration.json" file, please check you have the required permissions. errSetPageRestr=Error setting page restrictions notAdmin4Team=You are not an admin for this team configUpdated=Configuration updated, restart the editor if you want to work with last configuration.